Yoni Rosenblatt, Owner, True Sports PT

Yoni Rosenblatt, Owner, True Sports PT

Yoni Rosenblatt Owner, True Sports PT 11 Locations “WelcomeWare has helped my practice tremendously with both increasing efficiency and cutting costs. WelcomeWare has been a game changer as far as optimization of my current staff and helping us manage multiple clinics...
Karn Santikul, Owner, NYSSPT

Karn Santikul, Owner, NYSSPT

Karn Santikul Owner, NYSSPT 4 Locations “WelcomeWare has been a great asset to my practice. We currently use it in all 3 offices and it’s helped reduce my front office cost by 65%, improved patient forward scheduling, and improved collection of payments. Most of...

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